Immunisations & Travel Vaccinations
Do I Need To Be Protected Against Pneumococcal Infection?
Everybody aged 65 and over should now be immunised to help protect them against pneumococcal infection which can cause diseases such as pneumonia, septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis.
Flu and Covid Booster Vaccines
If you entitled to your flu and/or covid booster vaccination these are provided by Argyll & Bute Health & Social Care Partnership. They will send out letters with your appointment. If you have not heard from them or wish to discuss a matter with them please call 0800 032 0339 or 0800 030 8013.
Do not contact the surgery as we do not hold any information regarding appointments, please use the numbers above.
Does Age Affect The Risk Of Flu?
Yes. If you are aged 65 years or over, you are at higher risk.
Who is at risk?
- If you are aged 65 years or over or if you are on regular inhaled steroids
- If you have a chronic respiratory disease (including asthma)
- If you have chronic heart disease
- If you have chronic renal disease
- If you are diabetic
- If you have a weak immune system
- If you live in a long-stay residential or nursing home
- If you have a chronic liver disease
- If you are a carer

Travelling abroad - At least 6 weeks before travelling, please complete the travel form which can be downloaded or collected from reception.
On submission of form, if necessary, you may be contacted to arrange an appointment with one of our travel Practice Nurses to discuss any vaccinations or queries you may have.
Alternatively you can contact:
Appointment Line: 0141 889 7656