
Advanced Nurse Practitioners
Our Prescribing Nurse Practitioners, Sisters Moira McLachlan, Jane Schmidt, Sarah King, Margo Ferguson, Katie Taylor, Lisa Darroch and Carol Ormiston are the first point of contact for many of your health needs, including, but not limited to:-
Allergy, Asthma, CVA/CHD/PAD, COPD, Contraceptive advice, Children >5, Cardiac, Chest/Respiratory, Dermatology, Diabetes, Endocrinology/Hormones, ENT, Gastro, Haematology, HTN, HRT, Infection, Implant, Mental Health, Minor Injuries, MSK/Ortho, Neurology, Pain Management, Pill Check, Respiratory, Secondary Care Referral, Thyroid, Urology, Vascular, Well Woman and Well Man Checks.
Sisters Moira McLachlan, Jane Schmidt, Sarah King and Lisa Darroch also provide cervical smears.
Sisters Moira McLachlan and Jane Schmidt also manage contraceptive implants (in and out).
The nurses also deal with Acne, Earache, Eczema,Nail infections, Sinusitis, Skin infections, Sore throats, Tonsillitis, Urinary infections in females and Warts, although most of these minor illnesses can also be dealt with by your local pharmacy.
Travel advice & travel immunisations can be dealt with at your local travel clinics. Please ask for contact information.
Treatment Room Duties
Our CTAC (Community, Treatment & Care) nurses, Sisters Carmel Rae and Hannah Edwards carry out the following:
- Dopplers, Dressings, Stitch & staple removal
- Treatment of acute burns, cuts, leg ulcer treatment and wounds
- Blood Sampling, B12 injections, BP checks, hypertension reviews
Healthcare Assistants
Jane Keightley and Elaine Swanson carry out the majority of blood sampling in the practice. Both HCA's can also check blood pressures and administer B12 injections.
First Contact Physiotherapists
First Contact Physiotherapists (FCP) deal with new musculoskeletal pains. This includes any new pain that affects your bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. The FCPs can assess your pain and prescribe painkillers. They may also send you for more tests or refer you on for physiotherapy sessions if needed.
Coil Clinic