The NHS 24 Online App
The Surgery would like to invite you to use the NHS 24 Online App
The new, simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
Click here for more information and to download the app

What does the NHS 24 App do?
Download the free NHS 24 Online App to find your nearest services and to assess your symptoms to find out what you should do next.
The App is for anyone who lives in Scotland and is compatible with Android devices.
The Find my Nearest function allows you to locate health and care services within your local area by using your post code or location. You will be able to see how far away each service is, if it is open or closed and contact details for the service.
The chatbot function allows you to answer questions and find out how to get further advice for a range of conditions. Conditions will be continually added to this to improve your experience.
No personal data is processed by the NHS 24 Online App.